Juvenile Delinquency: Causes, Control and Consequences – eBook PDF
Juvenile Delinquency: Causes, Control and Consequences, (PDF) emphasizes the causes, control, and consequences of juvenile delinquency. Chapter One starts with an overview of the cultural, social, and interpersonal issues with justice-involved adolescents. Chapter Two’s aim is to help understand the major developmental theorist’s view of critical developmental milestones, understand the biological, social and interpersonal effects on an adolescents’ functioning; learn how anger, rage, and delinquency are central constituents in the developing adolescents’ skills to manage behavioral outbursts; recognize aspects of anxiety and depression in adolescents and how these symptoms show into pathology; learn tools and skills to work with adolescents who struggle with these changes and adolescents who are defiant to the therapy process; find markers related to low and inflated self-esteem and how it may disturb adolescent development; improve awareness of group identity and friendship development contribute and its influence on decision making; and recognize ethical and other best practice implications. Chapter Three explores the construction of juvenile restorative justice in Chile and Italy, how these policies are implemented in practice, and how families contribute to these processes. Chapter Four discusses social exclusion and youth transitions through an empirical study of young ex-offenders’ reintegration in China.
NOTE: The product only includes the ebook, Juvenile Delinquency: Causes, Control and Consequences in PDF. No access codes are included.
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