Immunology and Rheumatology in Questions (2nd Edition) – eBook PDF
Immunology and Rheumatology in Questions, 2nd Edition, (PDF) address through concise and short questions-and-answers (Q&As) on one hand all major aspects of basic clinical and laboratory immunology necessary for comprehending underlying immunological mechanisms of autoimmune rheumatic diseases. The majority however of Q&As in this ebook presents in laconic way definitions, clinical and laboratory manifestations, pathogenetic aspects, differential diagnosis, and the management of all categories of rheumatic diseases including autoinflammatory, systemic autoimmune, metabolic and degenerative. Additionally, in separate sections of this manual Q&As addressing rheumatic manifestations from other organ systems are featured. Lastly, a chapter is devoted to the treatment of rheumatic diseases analyzing indications and side-effects of different therapeutic modalities with diagrams and illustrations utilized throughout the ebook to present the information in a clear and schematic way.
In this completely revised 2nd edition, over 120 new Q&As have been included and the answers to over 90 Q&As has been changed after having critically incorporated all new knowledge generated in the last three years in the field of rheumatology, in an attempt to bridge classical and current evidence-based knowledge and to provide educational and credible information. This ebook is valuable to test and acquire knowledge not only for rheumatologists but for every specialist in family practice, internal medicine, physical/rehabilitation medicine, and orthopedic surgery.
NOTE: The product only includes the ebook Immunology and Rheumatology in Questions, 2nd Edition in PDF. No access codes are included.
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