Human Resources Management in China: Cases in HR Practice – eBook PDF
Intended for people interested in management and Human Resources in China, Human Resources Management in China, (PDF) is a compilation of original and researched case studies on a variety of HR issues happening in Chinese organisations, both privately-owned and part of multi-national enterprises, and how these issues are solved by management. The influences of the solutions in the organizations are also discussed. Preceded by a concise review of the Chinese and Western literature on this problem, the case is then offered and concluded by an analysis of the situations and solutions implemented.
- Grounded on original research, conducted in-the-field
- Presents actual case-studies based on actual organisations
- Incorporates a theoretical perspective and analysis of the cases to help in a broad understanding of the issues discussed
NOTE: The product only includes the ebook Human Resources Management in China: Cases in HR Practice in PDF. No access codes are included.
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