College Physics: Explore and Apply (2nd Edition) – eBook PDF
Help college students learn physics by doing physics. College Physics: Explore and Apply, 2nd edition, (PDF) allows college students to build a deep and robust conceptual understanding of physics by encouraging an active role in the learning process. Through this approach, physics students build a strong conceptual foundation via analysis, observation, and testing that leads to confidence in applying knowledge to complex situations.
The 2nd Edition offers an updated, pedagogically driven design that streamlines the content to help college students focus and use the etextbook more effectively. Using College Physics 2e, as students actively pursue the process of science, they are able to build the foundations for conceptual understanding and develop more problem-solving skills and sophisticated reasoning using features such as redesigned Experiment Tables with new Video Demonstrations and innovative Worked Examples.
NOTE: This ebook only includes College Physics: Explore and Apply, 2e, in PDF. No online access codes come with the sale.
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