Children (13th Edition) – John Santrock – eBook PDF
Santrock’s Children, 13th Edition, (PDF) provides an overview of children’s development, from biological beginnings through early childhood, infancy to adolescence. By highlighting the connections among different aspects of development, the textbook helps students to better understand the concepts covered. With the help of several experts in the field, Dr. Santrock discusses real-world applications and current research, helping students see how developmental psychology plays a role in their own lives and future careers. Additionally, through an integrated, personalized digital learning program, college students gain the insight they need to study smarter and improve performance.
Today’s university students are as different in some ways from the learners of the last generation as today’s discipline of child development is different from the field three decades ago. Students now learn in multiple modalities; rather than sitting down and reading traditional printed chapters in a linear fashion from start to end, their work preferences tend to be more visual and more interactive, and their reading and study often occur in short bursts. For many readers, a traditionally formatted printed textbook is no longer enough when they have instant, 24/7 access to news and information from around the world.
New to the 13th Edition eBook
Students helped inform the revision strategy of Children. Content revisions are informed by data collected anonymously through McGraw-Hill’s SmartBook; the data pinpoint the concepts that give students the most difficulty.
Additional changes include the following:
● This edition places further emphasis on diversity and culture.
● The latest research features more than 1,000 newly added citations
● Identity issues, in particular, gender and transgender, are explored more in-depth.
NOTE: This sale only includes the ebook Children, 13th edition, in PDF format. No access codes included.
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