An Introduction to Intercultural Communication: Identities in a Global Community (10th Edition) – eBook PDF
An Introduction to Intercultural Communication (ePub/PDF) equips college students with the skills and knowledge to be competent and confident intercultural communicators. Popular author Fred E. Jandt guides readers through crucial concepts and helps them associate intercultural competence with their own life experiences in order to improve understanding. Applying his signature accessible writing style, Jandt presents balanced, latest content in a way that readers find interesting and stimulating. The Tenth Edition gives more attention to contemporary social issues in today’s global community like social class identity, gender identifications, and immigration and refugees.
“This ebook, An Introduction to Intercultural Communication: Identities in a Global Community 10e, is one of my favorites in the field because it assists students to see just how much intercultural communication affects their daily lives.” — Andrea Ané Pearman
“This latest edition of An Introduction to Intercultural Communication: Identities in a Global Community is in line with the superior quality of earlier editions. Remarkable in scope, sure to generate class discussion, and with the material presented in an interesting manner.” — Ralph Webb
“The activities contained in every chapter are particularly valuable and lead to self-reflection. The items for group discussion are abundant and well organized, leading to interactive and meaningful dialogue in the classroom. The prominent stress on historical and global issues, and how they affect intercultural communication, differentiate this textbook from other Intercultural Communication textbooks.” — Anne Randerson
Additional ISBNs: 978-1544383866, 9781544383873, 9781544383897, 978-1544383880, 978-1544383873, 978-1544383897, 1544383878, 1544383894
NOTE: The product only includes the ebook, An Introduction to Intercultural Communication 10th edition in the original ePub format. A converted PDF is available on request. No access codes are included.
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